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"Warlords of Draenor"
Highmaul [7/7] [6/7] [0/7]
Kargath Bladefist - 04.01.2015 The Butcher - 06.01.2015 Tectus - 15.01.2015 Brackenspore - 15.01.2015 Twin Ogron - 06.01.2015 Ko'ragh - 15.01.2015 Imperator Mar'gok - 17.01.2015 "Mists of Pandaria"
Siege of Orgrimmar [11/14]
The Fallen Protectors
Sha of Pride
Iron Juggernaut
Kor'Kron Dark Shaman
General Nazgrim
Spoils of Pandaria
Thok the Bloodthirsty
Siegecrafter Blackfuse
Paragons of the Klaxxi
Garrosh Hellscream
Throne of Thunder [13/13]
Jin'rokh the Breaker
Council of Elders
Durumu the Forgotten
Dark Animus
Iron Qon
Twin Consorts
Lei Shen
Mogu'shan Vaults [6/6]
The Stone Guards
Feng the Accursed
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder
The Spirit Kings
Will of the Emperor
Heart of Fear [6/6]
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok
Blade Lord Ta'yak
Wind Lord Mel'jarak
Amber-Shaper Un'sok
Grand Empress Shek'zeer
Terrace of Endless Spring [4/4]
Protectors of the Endless
Lei Shi
Sha of Fear
Dragon Soul(hero) [8/8]
Grupa "Paragony"
Morchok [ Realm First ]
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Warlord Zon'ozz [ Realm First ]
Hagara the Stormbinder [ Realm First ]
Ultraxion [ Realm First ]
Warmaster Blackhorn [ Realm First ]
Spine of Deathwing [ Realm First ]
Madness of Deathwing [ Realm First ]
Firelands (hero) [7/7]
Dragon Soul(hero) [6/8]Grupa "Kasztany"
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Warlord Zon'ozz
Hagara the Stormbinder
Warmaster Blackhorn
Spine of Deathwing
Madness of Deathwing
Firelands (hero) [6/7]
Dragon Soul(hero) [5/8]Grupa "XII"
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Warlord Zon'ozz
Hagara the Stormbinder
Warmaster Blackhorn
Spine of Deathwing
Madness of Deathwing
Firelands (hero) [6/7]
Tier 11 (hero) [5/13]
Dragon Soul(hero) [5/8]Grupa "Retardy"
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Warlord Zon'ozz
Hagara the Stormbinder
Warmaster Blackhorn
Spine of Deathwing
Madness of Deathwing
Firelands (hero) [6/7]
[ Realm First: Baleroc ]
Tier 11 (hero) [11/13]
[ Realm First: Nefarian, Cho'gall, Sinestra ]
Dragon Soul(hero) [5/8]Grupa "Po Przejściach"
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Warlord Zon'ozz
Hagara the Stormbinder
Warmaster Blackhorn
Spine of Deathwing
Madness of Deathwing
Firelands (hero) [6/7]
Glory of the Firelands Raider
Tier 11 (hero) [6/13]
Dragon Soul(hero) [3/8]Grupa "Rachunek"
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Warlord Zon'ozz
Hagara the Stormbinder
Warmaster Blackhorn
Spine of Deathwing
Madness of Deathwing
Firelands (hero) [6/7]
Progress ogólno-gildyjny
Tier 11Heroic: Blackwing Descent
6/6Magmaw 27.03.2011 Omnitron Defense System 18.04.2011 Maloriak 31.03.2011 Atramedes 01.03.2011 Chimaeron 15.02.2011 Nefarian 09.05.2011 Heroic: Bastion of Twilight
5/5Halfus Wyrmbreaker 16.02.2011 Valiona and Theralion NA Twilight Ascendants NA Cho'gall 01.06.2011 Sinestra 11.07.2011 Heroic: Throne of the Four Winds
2/2Conclave of Wind 16.06.2011 Al'Akir NA -------------------------- Blackwing Descent
6/6Magmaw 16.12.2010 Omnitron Defense System 15.12.2010 Maloriak 21.12.2010 Atramedes 30.12.2010 Chimaeron 17.01.2011 Nefarian 07.02.2011 Bastion of Twilight
4/4Halfus Wyrmbreaker 19.12.2010 Valiona and Theralion 19.12.2010 Twilight Ascendants 30.12.2010 Cho'gall 25.01.2011 Throne of the Four Winds
2/2Conclave of Wind 30.12.2010 Al'Akir 24.01.2011 Baradin Hold
3/3Pit Lord Argaloth 11.12.2010 "Wrath of the Lich King" The Ruby Sanctum
Heroic: Halion (10) 7.07.2010 Halion (25) 30.06.2010 Icecrown Citadel 25hm
11/12Sindragosa 30.05.2010 Professor Putricide 27.05.2010 Lady Deathwhisper 22.04.2010 Deathbringer Saurfang 22.04.2010 Blood Queen Lana'thel 15.04.2010 Blood Prince Council 15.04.2010 Valithiria Dreamwalker 14.04.2010 Festergut 08.04.2010 Rotface 07.04.2010 Gunship Battle 07.04.2010 Lord Marrowgar 07.04.2010 Icecrown Citadel 10hm
12/12The Lich King 26.05.2010 Glory of the Icecrown Raider 08.04.2010 Professor Putricide 19.03.2010 Sindragosa 19.03.2010 Valithria Dreamwalker 02.03.2010 Blood-Queen Lana'thel 23.02.2010 Blood Princes 23.02.2010 Rotface 21.02.2010 Festergut 21.02.2010 Deathbringer Saurfang 21.02.2010 Gunship Battle 19.02.2010 Lady Deathwhisper 19.02.2010 Lord Marrowgar 19.02.2010 Icecrown Citadel 25
12/12The Lich King 31.03.2010 Sindragosa 11.02.2010 Valithria Dreamwalker 08.02.2010 Blood-Queen Lana'thel 03.02.2010 Professor Putricide 25.01.2010 Blood Princes 20.01.2010 Rotface 11.01.2010 Festergut 11.01.2010 Deathbringer Saurfang 10.12.2009 Gunship Battle 10.12.2009 Lady Deathwhisper 10.12.2009 Lord Marrowgar 09.12.2009 Trial of the Grand Crusader 25
5/5A Tribute to Mad Skill 23.03.2010 A Tribute to Skill 04.01.2010 Anub'arak 04.01.2010 Twin Valkyrs 05.10.2009 Faction Champions 24.09.2009 Lord Jaraxxus 23.09.2009 Northrend Beasts 23.09.2009 Trial of the Crusader 25
5/5Anub'Arak 02.09.2009 Val'kyr Twins 26.08.2009 Faction Champions 19.08.2009 Lord Jaraxxus 12.08.2009 Northrend Beasts 05.08.2009 Trial of the Grand Crusader 10
5/5A Tribute to Insanity 16.09.2009 A Tribute to Mad Skill 16.09.2009 A Tribute to Skill 14.09.2009 Anub'Arak 06.09.2009 Val'kyr Twins 02.09.2009 Faction Champions 02.09.2009 Lord Jaraxxus 02.09.2009 Northrend Beasts 02.09.2009 Trial of the Crusader 10
5/5Anub'Arak 02.09.2009 Val'kyr Twins 26.08.2009 Faction Champions 19.08.2009 Lord Jaraxxus 12.08.2009 Northrend Beasts 05.08.2009 Ulduar 25hm
Alone in the Darkness 09.08.2010 Algalon the Observer 11.11.2009 One light in the Darkness 26.10.2009 Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood 21.10.2009 Firefighter 14.10.2009 I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning 18.08.2009 Orbit-uary 24.06.2009 Heartbreaker 17.06.2009 I Choose You, Steelbreaker 16.06.2009 Lose Your Illusion 10.06.2009 I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare 04.06.2009 Ulduar 10hm
Herald of the Titans 13.05.2010 He Feeds On Your Tears 18.10.2009 Observed 15.09.2009 Alone in the Darkness 30.08.2009 Glory of the Ulduar Raider 25.06.2009 Ulduar 25man
13/13Yogg-Saron 05.05.2009 General Vezax 27.04.2009 Mimiron 21.04.2009 Thorim 19.04.2009 Ignis the Furnace Master 19.04.2009 Hodir 18.04.2009 Freya 18.04.2009 Auriaya 17.04.2009 Kologarn 17.04.2009 Iron Council 16.04.2009 XT-002 Deconstructor 16.04.2009 Razorscale 15.04.2009 Flame Leviathan 15.04.2009 Obsidian Sanctum 25
Sartharion +3 adds 11.01.2009 Sartharion 25.11.2008 Obsidian Sanctum 10
Sartharion +3 adds 22.02.2009 Sartharion 21.11.2008 The Eye of Eternity 25
Malygos 02.12.2008 Naxxramas 25
14/14Kel'Thuzad 01.12.2008 Sapphiron 01.12.2008 The Construct Quarter 01.12.2008 The Military Quarter 30.11.2008 The Plague Quarter 24.11.2008 The Arachnid Quarter 24.11.2008 Naxxramas 10
14/14Kel'Thuzad 22.11.2008 Sapphiron 22.11.2008 The Construct Quarter 20.11.2008 The Military Quarter 20.11.2008 The Plague Quarter 19.11.2008 The Arachnid Quarter 19.11.2008 Vault of Archavon 25
Archavon 24.11.2008 The Eye of Eternity 10
Malygos 29.11.2008 Vault of Archavon 10
Archavon 22.11.2008
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